The past two weeks have brought snow, rain, sleet, hail, and freezing temperatures for Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This weekend finally has some clear weather. Get after it everybody!
If you have given much thought to how to best increase trips on bicycles, there is no doubt that you have thought about bike lanes. Well, bike lanes are back on the front burner. Eben Weiss, a.k.a the Bike Snob, has authored a more thoughtful, more artful, and better articulated argument for bike lanes than I can ever hope to cobble together; however, the fact that the commissioned piece was rejected by the Wall Street Journal before publication disappoints. If you are in the least interested in bicycles or urban planning (or controversy, unfortunately) then please do me a great favor and head over to his site to read his post from Friday April 1.
There were a few pretty cool developments in the world of bicycles for the month of March. The global bicycle conference, Velo City, wrapped up this week in Sevilla, Spain; local bicycle advocacy organization Bike Pittsburgh was represented by their Executive Director, Scott Bricker; and the National Bike Summit went down in Washington D.C. Big congratulations to bikePGH for the Advocacy Organization of the Year award from the Alliance for Biking and Walking.
In an interesting twist on the paranoia about the future of the print media landscape, the "dirtroots" mountain bike website, Pinkbike, (the likely origin of 90% of reposted bike-video content) announced that they will begin selling a monthly print magazine. I think there is some deep thinking and analysis that could be applied toward this complete reversal of the old media model, but I'll leave all that introspection to folks who have more time on their hands. All I'm gonna say is: I think it's radical.
Well, that's it for another week. Get out and play in the dirt.
If you have given much thought to how to best increase trips on bicycles, there is no doubt that you have thought about bike lanes. Well, bike lanes are back on the front burner. Eben Weiss, a.k.a the Bike Snob, has authored a more thoughtful, more artful, and better articulated argument for bike lanes than I can ever hope to cobble together; however, the fact that the commissioned piece was rejected by the Wall Street Journal before publication disappoints. If you are in the least interested in bicycles or urban planning (or controversy, unfortunately) then please do me a great favor and head over to his site to read his post from Friday April 1.
There were a few pretty cool developments in the world of bicycles for the month of March. The global bicycle conference, Velo City, wrapped up this week in Sevilla, Spain; local bicycle advocacy organization Bike Pittsburgh was represented by their Executive Director, Scott Bricker; and the National Bike Summit went down in Washington D.C. Big congratulations to bikePGH for the Advocacy Organization of the Year award from the Alliance for Biking and Walking.
In an interesting twist on the paranoia about the future of the print media landscape, the "dirtroots" mountain bike website, Pinkbike, (the likely origin of 90% of reposted bike-video content) announced that they will begin selling a monthly print magazine. I think there is some deep thinking and analysis that could be applied toward this complete reversal of the old media model, but I'll leave all that introspection to folks who have more time on their hands. All I'm gonna say is: I think it's radical.
Well, that's it for another week. Get out and play in the dirt.
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